“Whoever welcomes a child,” said Jesus, “welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:5) At the United Church of Christ, Congregational, we believe in the importance of children and the joy and energy they bring to the church. We are glad to have their laughter and creativity in our midst.
We strive to create spaces where children and youth know that they are loved, and can learn to serve others. Young people are welcome to participate in worship by serving as acolytes and singing in choirs. During the 10:30 service they can either stay in worship or head downstairs for Sunday school (which we call Jesus Vibes) after the children’s message.
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoons of the month we offer youth group for 3rd-12th graders from 4:30-6pm, with frequent whole-family activities throughout the year!
In 8th grade our youth are invited to take part in confirmation class. This year-long process will teach them the basics of progressive Christianity, help them to form bonds with one another, begin a mentoring relationship with an adult from the church, and take them on a few field trips and a weekend retreat.
In the summer, high school students may join in on mission trips that will teach them about issues of poverty, how non-profit organizations help the community, and how the church can get involved. They also get to help raise money for the trip themselves, and take ownership of the work we will do.
If you have any questions about youth ministry at Medina UCC, please reach out to Pastor Meghan Malone at meghan@uccmedina.org!