Happy New Year, church! We have lots of fun stuff coming up in this fresh and exciting NOT 2020 year!
We had a great year for worship despite everything. Our livestream over the past 9 weeks (not including Christmas Eve) averaged 136 live viewers between our Facebook and website. One pastor friend of mine said that each of these views represents 2 people. Our worship then has averaged 272! That’s pretty strong, church! We’re getting a lot of views from new folks in the community and beyond.
If you are one of those new folks, and you’re looking for a resolution you can keep not just this year but for many to come; consider joining the church! Our get-to-know-you New Member virtual sessions will be held on Monday, February 1 and 8 at 7 p.m. on Zoom. If you decide to join, then we’ll have our New Member’s Sunday on Founders Day, February 14, 2021. Details of how that will work will be discussed in the classes. I can’t wait! It’ll be a great time! Sign up by calling the office or emailing Cindy at office@uccmedina.org.
Our Treasurer Rob Kaiser is running his second Financial Peace University. This will be all virtual. You can sign up here: fpu.com/1127951 This program changes how you think and handle money! I love how passionate Rob is about this and how eager he is to share this program with any who need it.
Our Annual Meeting is usually held the last Sunday of January. This meeting is to approve the budget and take a look at the financials. We will handle this like we did in the summer. The reports will be posted online on 1/31 and will be available for pick up at the church for those who like a paper copy. We’ll host a Zoom session on Wednesday, 2/3 at 7 p.m. for any questions you might have about the budget. You can also call Kelly at the office. Then we’ll vote using our One Call system as well as paper ballots. Votes must be in by Sunday, February 7, at 10 a.m.
The year is off to a good start! Let’s get at it, church!
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