April 9, 2023
- The Rev. Dr. Luke Lindon
- Smash Your Idols: Lent 2023
- John 20:1-18
- Easter
- Medina United Church of Christ Congregational
Well, you can’t get more anti-establishment than Mary the Tower witnessing the crucifixion.
April 9, 2023
Well, you can’t get more anti-establishment than Mary the Tower witnessing the crucifixion.
April 2, 2023
Smash Your Busyness Over the years of his ministry, Jesus put in a lot of steps. Many gospel stories begin with the words “Jesus was walking along, when…” insert scenario here. Jesus walked all over Galilee and Judea, he even walks on water at one point. Jesus doesn’t really seem to be much a… Read More »
March 26, 2023
Women have always been the backbone of the church.
March 19, 2023
We must turn our judgment into curiosity. We must be willing to smash our judgement when new information comes to us.
March 12, 2023
We are a group project.
March 5, 2023
Have you ever had one of those really good late-night conversations? Not just any conversation at night, but the kind where you and at least one other person get really real with each other? The kind of conversation that for me has often happened sitting around a fire, or on a porch, looking at the… Read More »
February 26, 2023
Faith is not GPS that can lead you around life’s problems if you believe hard enough and do everything right. Faith is the manna that gets us through the wilderness.
February 22, 2023
Life is not a test. This is not a trial run. You are star dust who will one day return to star dust.
217 E. Liberty Street,
Medina, OH 44256
Office hours: M-Th 9-3, F 9-12