
Welcome to Medina United Church of Christ, Congregational!

Who are we?
We like to say we do 3 things well: welcome, love and serve. Persons from many diverse faith traditions have found a spiritual home in our congregation and have been empowered to serve in our community and the world. They enjoy a caring and supportive family of faith as we discover and grow in the good news of God in Jesus Christ. We invite all persons to join with us in this journey of joy and grace. The congregation makes the decisions that govern our church as well as preach, teach, sing, care, plan and serve in numerous ways. Whether you’ve been attending church for years or haven’t stepped into a sanctuary in decades, we hope you’ll come and join us Sunday if you’re looking for a church.

When is worship?
We offer 3 services each Sunday morning at 8:15 (chapel), 9:00 (praise service in Fellowship Hall) and 10:30 (sanctuary). We also livestream the 10:30 service.

What can I expect on my first visit?
When you come to join us for the first time, one of our greeters or ushers will be glad to help you become comfortable. If you’d like, they’ll help you find the restrooms, sanctuary, Fellowship Hall or whatever else you need.

Can my kids come?
Yes! A noisy church is a growing church! Children are welcome at all services. Grab a busy bag filled with crayons, notebooks, magazines, and more if you’d like. You can find them in the middle-left of the sanctuary (or ask an usher). We have a separate children’s program called Jesus VIBES during the 10:30 service. On Sunday afternoons we offer confirmation for 8th graders and an active youth group for 3rd-12th graders, plus lots of fun family activities!

What happens during the service?
During the service, you’ll hear our faith expressed in the songs we sing, Scripture passages we read, prayers we offer up and our pastor’s preaching. (And we have bulletins so you know what’s going on.)

What if I have more questions?
We’d love to talk more. You can call the church office at 330-725-4559 Monday through Friday between 9-3, message us on social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) or send us an email.